About Us
Learn more about Texas Fire Fighters Home

The Texas Fire Fighters Home (TFFH)  began as a project of the Rotary Club of University Area Houston, which is proud to be the founding .  TFFH is a 501(c)(3), nonprofit corporation.

Through a collaborative effort of Rotarians in Rotary District 5890 and in Rotary International, the Houston Fire Department, and the International Association of Fire Fighters, the dream of helping firefighters is slowly becoming a reality, with Phase One in full swing.

Firefighters face numerous dangers in their role as protectors of our population when dealing with fires and certain other catastrophes.  In performing their job, they often receive broken bones, strains, and burns, and exposure to horrendous carcinogens.  (It is this exposure to carcinogens which results in the primary and most deadly illness fire fighters face, cancer).

When a diagnosis of cancer or some other major illness occurs, often their doctors refer them for treatment to the world-renowned Texas Medical Center (TMC), ranked as the top and the largest Medical Center in the world, and home to MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC).  These treatments often require stays for days, weeks or months and are usually done on an out-patient basis which means the patient must find short-term lodging.

Lodging near TMC is expensive and to stay in cheaper accommodations usually requires long travel times in Houston’s heavy traffic.  The further out you stay, the less expensive the accommodation. For firefighters receiving treatment and in their weakened condition, this is an added hardship.

Phase One of the TFFH project is to provide short-term lodging in near proximity at little or no cost to firefighters and first responders.  To that end, TFFH is currently leasing apartments at the Maroneal Apartments, located near TMC.  These fully-furnished, one-bedroom apartments are provided to firefighters at a no cost other than the one-time, $150 cleaning fee per stay.  They can stay as little as 3 days or as long as 90 days, for no other cost.

Phase Two of the TFFH project is to build a small complex of its own.  Rotary Clubs, firefighters, corporations (big and small), non-profit foundations and individuals are encouraged to be involved in the funding of the RFFH project.  No donation is too small.

The TFFH motto is “You were there for us; we are here for you.”  After all, fire fighters protect us 24/7 always responding to our 9-1-1 calls.  This is our opportunity to help protect them, to answer their 9-1-1 call.   They are always there for us: We need to be there for them.

Any inquiries for information as to how you can participate,  please contact our program coordinator at  info@texasfirefightershome.org.

We want to hear from you. Contact us!

Call us at
713-594-6305 for information pertaining to accommodations;
or 281-693-7162 or 713-819-6281 for general information

Our Info

Texas Fire Fighters Home
P.O.Box 541905
Houston, TX 77254
(281) 693-7162

The Texas Fire Fighters Home appreciates the support over the years from the following corporate sponsor: